Video: Systema Massage by Glenn Murphy, Chief Instructor at NC Systema

Massage and physical body-tempering are essential elements of Systema training, and part of what makes it such an effective - and sustainable - style of martial art.

There are many ways to train for fighting, and for practical self-defense. But a good number of them will leave you physically or psychologically damaged within a decade or so, in effect *decreasing* your readiness and effectiveness in the long term.

Sure, 20 and 30-somethings may get away with it for a while. But for most martial artists, joint pain, muscle strains, and progressive immobility are the norm. In short, it's not really self-defense if you kick your own arse first.

Not so with Systema - where we dedicate at least as much time to preparing and repairing our bodies as we do studying how to disassemble those of our opponents. Here, we walk through a basic massage pattern you'll see at the end of most Systema classes - here, and across the globe.

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Video: Knife Defense Fundamentals by Glenn Murphy, Chief Instructor at NC Systema

This week at NC SYSTEMA, we slide back into the study of knife defense.

Knife defense videos are a popular target for Internet trolls, 'keyboard warriors', and so-called 'reality martial arts' enthusiasts.

"I would just shoot the guy"
"You should just run away"
"Great way to get cut"

These are all popular refrains on comment threads relating to knife videos. In some cases, these are valid criticisms. When faced with a knife-wielding attacker, deploying a firearm or running as fast and hard as you can are both perfectly valid responses.

Then again, they can also be pointless cop-outs that beg the following questions:

- What if you're not armed 24/7?
- What if your weapon jams?
- What if the attacker is too close, and stabs you before you can deploy it?

- What if you're injured, and you can't run?
- What if the attacker stands between you and the exit?
- What if you're carrying or defending a child?

I have yet to see a convincing answer to any of these questions from the would-be warriors and critics online.

Yes, you'll probably get cut. In all likelihood, you'll be hospitalized after the attempt. But in the situations above, that *might* just be preferable to shelling up, grappling ineffectively, or leaving your kids to die.

With that in mind, here we offer three basic principles of knife survival

1) if you can run, don't hesitate
2) fight the attacker, not the weapon
3) use leverage and/or your enivironment to your advantage

Comments and questions welcomed.